Sound Dampening Plants: The Office Addition You Never Knew You Needed

Dec 19, 2018

The office is not a silent environment. Hushed chatter, the humming of machines, people moving around, and the general collective noise of a shared space can make it hard to focus on doing work. Many companies provide acoustic dampening solutions to resolve the problem of loud workspaces, but few offer designs as creative, functional, and brilliant as Buzzispace, a Belgian company that specializes in sound dampening office furniture.

Buzzispace teamed up with American designer, Cory Grosser to approach the loud workspace issue with a fresh new perspective.

Instead of using textiles and recycled materials, Grosser found his solution in nature.

Grosser and Buzzispace collaborated to create BuzziMood, a low-maintenance wall panel comprised of preserved reindeer moss.

Having green plants in the office has been proven to increase the health and well-being of employees. BuzziMood adds vibrancy to any workspace while contributing a sense of relaxation and calm with its lush greenery.

The framed panels are available in seven geometric shapes and can be positioned to form many creative designs. The moss is available in two colors and is set in a powder coated metal frame.

Bright, lush, and low maintenance, Buzzimood is an excellent sound-damping solution for your workplace.
As open-plan workspaces have become increasingly popular, so has the need to address acoustical challenges and provide sound masking and absorption in order to maintain an orderly and efficient workplace. Check out our wide selection of creative acoustical solutions. In many cases, we can customize them to fit your office design or culture. Feel free to share your sound dampening challenges with our team!
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