When Acoustic Dampening is Built into Furniture Design

Sep 17, 2018

What can you do with EchoPanel®?
A lot.
Designer, Elliot Bastianon creates new furniture designs by working with EchoPanel, an acoustic sheet material that can be pressed, bent, folded, and pleaded to create different functional designs. The pieces are not only beautiful. They also have acoustic dampening abilities, reducing noise in the environment. And, best of all, these panels solve for the unique challenge of dampening sound in environments that only contain hard surfaces.

Bastianon keeps his designs spontaneous by experimenting without planning his models in advance. This results with unexpected designs that pique curiosity with their unusual details and innovative features.
These pieces shown here belong to Bastianon’s newest line, the Unexpected Collection. Some products from this line include the Six Fold, Tilted, Orientation, and the Armadillo Light.

The Six Fold bench uses six sheets of folded EchoPanel® to create a bench structure. A wooden top is secured with a frame that is built on the underside.

Tilted is made from a single acoustic sheet that is folded and pressed together three times, thereby forming sections of a shelf that can lean against a wall. Wooden shelves are placed in between the cut folds to hold decor and books.

Orientation is a coffee table made by joining together two folded sheets of EchoPanel®. The sheets are formed into large ‘V’ shaped legs that act as bolsters for the wood top. Custom wood fasteners are used to join the two materials together.

The Armadillo Light is a light structure that is made of a folded, pressed, and fastened acoustic panel to create its distinctive shape. The repetitious pattern is meditative and sculptural.

Whether you are looking for eye-catching decor or for designs that will help dampen sound in the environment, Bastianon’s line has it all.
As open-plan workspaces have become increasingly popular, so has the need to address acoustical challenges and provide sound masking and absorption in order to maintain an orderly and efficient workplace. Check out our wide selection of creative acoustical solutions. In many cases we can customize them to fit your office design or culture. Feel free to share your sound dampening challenges with our team!
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